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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brief post about Anarcho Capitalism

So.. "I'm bored to the extreme" (<- Bad Religion reference), and have been neglecting my blog.
To remedy this I'm going to cover the basics over Anarcho-Capitalism.
Let's start out with what Anarchy is. Some people believe that Anarchy is a world full of random killing, stealing, hating, and general chaos. I am here to tell you that Anarchy is not about violence, and is not about blowing things up. As a friend pointed out to me today, Anarchy doesn't mean no government, Anarchy means no rulers.
Anarcho-Capitalism's biggest goal would be to create a free market. Free market is a market without government regulations and intervention. In a free market you could go to the store and buy a candy bar with a chicken, if the store is willing to trade that is. Although there are no guarantee's in this market, the good thing is that in a free market, the government is purely neutral, thus not ruling over the market. The word Capitalism in Anarcho-Capitalism, was a huge red sign saying run away when i first came across the term. However after reading up on it, i discovered that it did not mean the conventional capitalism that we are all used to. It does not promote corporatism, or state monopoly capitalism. I still have my doubts about Anarcho-Capitalism though. I fear that although it is more possible and rational, it is not completely desirable. I personally desire a world in which there is no private property, the community works together, and everyone has respect for one another instead of oppressing others for their own benefit. Bottom line, i will be a happier man once coercive aggression is done away with in our everyday lives.

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